Alessandra Giannini Make Planet Great Again

The "Brand Our Planet Great Over again" program is a French – German language initiative to foster climatic change research and to support the implementation of the Paris Agreement. Inside the "Make Our Planet Great Again" plan, researchers from all over the world work together to better World system observations , to detect impacts and advise strategies to mitigate and arrange to Climatic change and to discover new solutions for the Energy transition from fossil fuels to renewable resource.

The Make Our Planet Slap-up Again seminar series takes place on Mondays from sixteen:00 to 17:00 Paris/Berlin time. The seminar series is an open event at which the Make Our Planet Great Again Laureates inform virtually the latest developments in their research area.


The Brand Our Planet Great Again seminars in 2022 :

  • 10.01.2022 – Christopher Cantrell
    Photochemistry in Interacting Urban and Rural Air Masses
    The composition and chemical science of urban air has been studied for many decades. In the last 20 to 30 years, significant progress has been made in reducing emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and oxides of nitrogen (NO). Reductions in the affluence of secondary compounds, though, accept been more elusive. The Beyond (Atmospheric Chemistry Of the Suburban forest) project is a framework to guide research to definitively ameliorate understanding of the impacts of mixing urban and biogenic air masses on the oxidation of atmospheric VOCs. A highlight of Across is an intensive, multi-platform measurement entrada in the summer of 2022. Information technology will use instruments staged on an airborne platform, a belfry in the Rambouillet Forest nearly Paris, and other basis sites. The data nerveless from this entrada will exist analyzed and studied to excerpt information virtually tropospheric oxidation chemistry generally, only specifically on changes observed in the situation of mixed urban and biogenic air masses.
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  • 17.01.2022 Henry Wu
    Ocean acidification crunch and global warming observations from tropical corals

    Human induced increases in atmospheric CO2 levels are warming the Earth'south ocean and too increasing the acidity of our shallow marine environments. This procedure, known as body of water acidification (OA), is caused by the absorption of atmospheric CO2 by the oceans and is threatening the ability of calcifying organisms to build their calcium carbonate skeletons. Our electric current understanding of the changes acquired by OA in the tropical oceans is severely limited due to the lack of reliable long-term seawater pH monitoring and the difficulty in reconstructing past changes in pH and ocean chemistry in these remote environments. This project uses techniques to reconstruct by seawater conditions from long-living corals to observe the development of pH and carbonate chemical science in our tropical oceans. Improved multi-proxy techniques are also practical to discover ocean surface temperature and hydroclimate changes over the past few hundred years to provide a historical context to our current climate crisis.
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  • 24.01.2022 – Alessandro Forte
    How forces inside the solid Globe directly influence changing bounding main levels on multiple fourth dimension spams
    Forces inside our planet drive horizontal movements of continents and body of water basins. These movements and their consequences (e.chiliad. earthquakes, volcanism) are manifestations of "plate tectonics", a process driven by global movements within the rocky mantle of the Earth that resembles a form of thermal convection in a very mucilaginous fluid. While plate tectonics is generally regarded every bit a 2D process involving horizontal crustal movements, it is really a 3D procedure. The internal forces driving horizontal motions also drive vertical displacements of the crust that are called "dynamic topography". I will discuss the primal office that dynamic topography plays in driving sea level changes. In detail, I explore how sea level highstands recorded during warm periods, notably Pleistocene interglaciations and the Mid Pliocene are strongly afflicted by dynamic topography. The written report of geological body of water level markers during these warm periods yields primal insights on the vulnerability of polar ice masses.
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  • 31.01.2022 – Redouane Lguensat
    History Matching for the tuning of climate models: Lessons from the L96 model
    In the talk I'll present a tool from the Dubiety Quantification community that started recently to describe attention in climate modeling: History Matching also referred to every bit «Iterative Refocussing». The cadre idea of History Matching is to run several simulations with different ready of parameters and then employ observed data to rule-out whatsoever parameter settings which are "implausible". Since climate simulation models are computationally heavy and do non permit testing every possible parameter setting, we utilise an emulator that can exist a cheap and authentic replacement. Here a machine learning algorithm, namely, Gaussian Procedure Regression is used for the emulating step. History Matching is then a practiced example where the recent advances in motorcar learning tin be of high interest to climate modeling. I will show some results using History Matching on a toy model: the two-layer Lorenz96, and share some findings about the challenges and opportunities of using this technique.
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  • 07.02.2022 – Alessandra Giannini
    Climatic change in the Sahel: how might concrete insight guide adaptation?
    Understanding of the processes of oceanic influence that shape the climate of the African Sahel has advanced significantly in the concluding twenty years. A single, elementary argument, independent of time scale, explains the past climatic change that manifested in the recurrence of drought in the 1970s and 1980s, and accounts for the year-to-year predictability that is realized in seasonal-to-interannual climate prediction. The motivation for this approach to studying climate variability and change, reminiscent of the "storylines" approach in discussions of climate modify, is the confidence that physical insight is critical to translating scientific knowledge into do. I propose that connecting scientific insight with the intuition that comes from lived experience provides an entry betoken that fosters the exchange between producer and user of climate information, and may ultimately facilitate the proactive adoption of strategies to accommodate to climate change.
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  • 21.02.2022 – Christina Richards
    Genomics of plant invasion
    Agreement how organisms can respond at different fourth dimension scales is an essential component of deciphering the impact and long-term consequences of global change. Genomics tools can provide information on the molecular mechanisms underlying response in a broad array of wild organisms and biologically relevant weather. Further, we now know that not-genetic effects can result in heritable, novel phenotypes even without variation in Deoxyribonucleic acid sequence and could therefore provide an unappreciated source of response. We apply reduced a diverseness of sequencing approaches to explore the potential function of genetic and epigenetic processes in natural and controlled studies of the invasive Japanese knotweed. We employ resources developed in model plant species research to inform our findings in these invasive plants. Combined, our studies will enhance our understanding of how plants reply to surround on unlike time scales, and get invasive.
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  • 28.02.2022 – Matthias Tesche
    Estimarting the climate bear on of droplets-cloud interactions from satellite observations
    The effect of aerosols on the properties and life fourth dimension of clouds and the resulting changes in cloud radiative forcing still pose one of the largest sources of uncertainty in our understanding of climate change. Aerosol particles are needed of cloud germination. They can also modulate cloud glaciation and atmospheric precipitation germination. Spaceborne measurements provide us with the best spatial coverage of multiple deject regimes. Nevertheless, past studies were based mostly on snapshot observations. In addition, unsuitable parameters were used to correspond atmospheric aerosols in such studies. This MOPGA project combines observations from geostationary and polar-orbiting satellites with novel methodologies to appraise cloud development and to estimate the concentration of those aerosols that are relevant for deject formation and rapid adjustments. The talk will present the methods developed inside the MOPGA projection PACIFIC, show showtime applications, and lay out the work ahead.
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  • 07.03.2022 – Silvia Weko
    Bridging the depression-carbon technology gap ? Assissing energy initiatives for the Global South.
  • Many developing countries have made their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) provisional on receiving climate finance, technology transfer, and capacity-building. Countries from the 'Global Due south' face continued challenges in accessing low-carbon finance and technology, due to a lack of engagement from the individual sector. Engineering science transfer initiatives, including public-private partnerships or IPR-sharing platforms, have been suggested to bridge this 'depression-carbon engineering science gap' and promote the technology transfer needed for free energy systems transformation. This paper assesses whether such initiatives indeed aim to bridge this gap and help applied science transfer, or answer to other imperatives such as climate justice or carbon lock-in prevention. Using a negative binomial regression, the newspaper finds that many of these initiatives focus on transferring multiple kinds of technologies to countries that are facing electricity admission and governance challenges. Still these initiatives do not all accost the key capacity-building components of cognition transfer, and countries with poor Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) protection tend to be targeted less. Initiatives are as well observed less frequently in climate-vulnerable countries. To meet the Paris climate goals, there is an urgent need for the international community to address the low-carbon engineering gap by mainstreaming engineering science transfer into trade and finance.
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  • 21.03.2022 – Ignacio Palomo
    Nature-based adaptation to climate alter in the Alps
    Climate change impacts need adaptation actions, especially in mount social-ecological systems, the climatic change sentinels. Nature-based solutions (NbS) are a promising option to arrange to climate change and provide multiple co-benefits for nature and people. In the project "Pathways of Transformation in the Alps" (PORTAL), we have created the beginning inventory of NbS to climatic change accommodation in the alps. Our results show a miss-match between the spatial distribution of NbS and the distribution of several hereafter climate change hazards. Moreover, the distribution of NbS doesn't fit with areas of high ecosystem services vulnerability, defined by the ecosystem services supply-need ratios. Also, we accept found that if incorrectly designed and implemented, NbS could lead to several trade-offs with different targets of the Sustainable Development Goals. Next, nosotros will model the co-benefits of NbS and design futurity transformative scenarios of NbS upscaling.
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  • 28.03.2022 – Rainer Kiko
    Oceanic Oxygen Minimum Zones: Decease zone and refuge
    Oceanic oxygen minimum zones are mainly found on the western coasts of the continents. Here, cold, nutrient-rich water reaches the sea surface and leads to increased plankton activeness. As presently as this plankton biomass dies off, it sinks to depths and is remineralized there, a process that consumes oxygen. Since the oxygen supply at medium depths cannot completely compensate for this consumption, oxygen minimum zones with partially oxygen-free areas form here. For many organisms, this zone is taboo, while others seek shelter here. Due to their high productivity, oxygen minimum zones are also regions with high fishing yields. In his presentation, Dr Kiko will nowadays these relationships in more particular and discuss the influence of global alter on the extent of these zones and their importance in the Globe system.
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  • 11.04.2022 – Orestes Rivada Wheelaghan
    Molecular ways towards Carbon Dioxide Reduction
    Molecular electrocatalysis are experiencing a renewed interest since information technology tin contribute to sustainable and energy–efficient redox chemical transformations including those involved in energy storage application such as Electrochemical Carbon Dioxide Reduction Reaction (eCO2RR). Hither we will present the correlation of remote interactions between a molecular MnI-circuitous and different alkali cations with redox potential tuning and its impact towards eCO2RR. Moreover, nosotros present the electrocatalytic activity of a dinuclear cobalt complex towards carbon dioxide transformation to carbon monoxide in the presence of Brönsted acids. Chemical, electrochemical and spectroelectrochemical studies indicate a paired behavior of the cobalt centers, identifying CO–containing reduced dicobalt complexes that results from the electroreduction of CO2. Electrocatalytic studies revealed unmarried–site machinery with up to 94 % selectivity towards CO with only 0.39 V overpotential.
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  • 25.04.2022 – Jhan-Carlo Espinoza
    Impacts of climate-vegetation changes on the hydrological bike of the Amazon-Andes transition Region
    The main goal of the AMANECER project is to improve sympathize how global warming and Amazon deforestation could affect the regional h2o bicycle. Our firs studies documented major biophysical transition in southern Amazon, involving deforestation and changes in rainfall regime. Using numerical simulations, we analyzed the large-scale changes in atmospheric circulation according to a deforestation scenario in Amazonia. At big scale our analyses suggest that Amazon deforestation may be related to alterations in the regional Hadley and Walker cells. Results from high-resolution climate simulation (using the WRF model upwards to 1km-1h), prove that moisture flux and precipitation in the Amazon-Andes transition zones are highly dependent of the land use weather in the Amazon lowland. Compared to a no-deforested Amazon scenario, atmospheric precipitation in the Amazon-Andes transition zone diminish in 20%-30%.
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  • 09.05.2022 – Alexey Fedorov
    The Atlantic body of water meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) and climatic change
    The Atlantic meridional overrunning circulation or AMOC – one of the central components of ocean general circulation – is a circuitous system of currents that includes the Gulf Stream and the North Atlantic Current, which send warm subtropical waters to higher latitudes where they sink then spread through the deep ocean. The AMOC modulates the climate of Europe and North America and has far reaching global impacts. Information technology is generally expected that the AMOC will weaken or even collapse with the hereafter climate alter, which is a major business organization. Nonetheless, the rates, magnitude and timing of this weakening vary profoundly beyond global climate models equally different factors affect the AMOC dynamics. In this project we use global climate models to study in detail the key mechanisms that control the rates of AMOC slowdown and investigate how the future AMOC weakening could affect climate.
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